fimmtudagur, október 18, 2007

faulty television

I was wondering about my father...

What if you always wanted something and in the end it doesn't turn up the way you wanted it to be.
What if you can't find the reason why (maybe because there are so many) and you not even bother thinking of it... something more like 'that's the way life is'.
And you see yourself... you see your children... and you all are so different. (and then the awareness becomes disappointment)

And what if you could replace all of that.... what if
There are so many others that look the same as me... they are not my real children... but maybe... maybe it doesn't matter.
A way of replacing one person for another... (we do this with bf/gf don't we)

I feel like a faulty television.

3 Ummæli:

Blogger JohnDTraynor sagði...

Þessi ummæli hafa verið fjarlægð af höfundi.

mánudagur, október 29, 2007 2:09:00 e.h.  
Blogger JohnDTraynor sagði...

I'm sure what you mean here. Are you talking about yourself or your father?

mánudagur, október 29, 2007 2:20:00 e.h.  
Blogger Thomaz Napoleão sagði...

Trainspotting? :o

þriðjudagur, október 30, 2007 9:17:00 e.h.  

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