fimmtudagur, ágúst 09, 2007


Living in England, specially London, is even more great if you are a fan of rock bands.
In Manchester I bought 2 books: one Ian Curtis (Joy Division vocalist) biography and a Johnny Marr (The Smith's guitarrist) biography; both bands are from MNCHSTR and I am reading the first at the moment.

But what I wanted to point out (why living here is so great) is that one of these days, I was reading about the first Joy Division gig in London, and how they were so excited about it. There were actually very few people that night in the pub, called 'Hope and Anchor'. And today, while I was walking to the office, just 10 minutes from it, there it is: Hope and Anchor. Mariana smiles.

It's so good to be in London

3 Ummæli:

Blogger Gigi sagði...

It's good to be in London as long as there isn't a giant aspargus chasing ya... MWAHAHAHA...!

fimmtudagur, ágúst 09, 2007 4:07:00 f.h.  
Blogger Unknown sagði...

Gostei do seu poema-pinguim :)

Quer brigar pelo bolo de chocolate? It's on!!!

bjs :)

mánudagur, ágúst 13, 2007 9:53:00 e.h.  
Blogger Thomaz Napoleão sagði...

Os meus vinte dedos somados nao bastam para enumerar todos os livros interessantes que eu ja encontrei em Moscou na primeira semana... Mas adivinhe quantos eu consigo ler com o meu sensacional nivel linguistico? Nul!

Viva a Torre de Babel! Abaixo deus! Viva Manchester! Abaixo o genitivo! E principalmente viva Joy Division!

þriðjudagur, ágúst 14, 2007 7:52:00 e.h.  

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