Google Game

Okay, thats a bit stupid...... hummm you're right VERY STUPID, but its funny to do sooooooooo:
Rules: Go to google and type "[your name] likes to" and read what YOU like ;-)
I must say this is a very 'facebook' thing......
So, some things "I" like to do:
- "Mariana likes working with farmworkers, because she knows that “if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t eat.” (hummmmm right sentence, but wrong reason)
- "Mariana likes to enjoy many of the arts, she writes poetry and paints and draws every time she get some time in her hands". (very true, apart from drawing)
- "Mariana likes to sing; even though she is a terrible singer". (Hey! I am not!!!!)
- "Mariana likes to fight girls like that, it's her style.” (Hummmmmm.... where are my pink boxe gloves ;-)
- "Mariana likes him because he is very handsome and friendly". (Where is this guy!!! I have to be introduced to him ;-))
and the last (but not the least):
- "Mariana lives with Gosho, with whom she gets along very well. Mariana seems to feel safe and protected with Gosho. Mariana is curious, likes swimming in the ponds, and is in good health. At the moment Mariana is hibernating". (It couldn't be more TRUE)
PS: Thanks Dom for the idea ^^
9 Ummæli:
"Leandro likes to pretend he has a grasp of what’s happening in the world he is on, but really, he’s not fooling anyone"
"Leandro likes to rest during off hours and is trying to focus on work in order to get ahead professionally. Leandro has yet to acquire any skills. ..."
"Leandro likes to have programs that invade people's privacy when going to HIS site. The man collects viruses. People, you don't collect viruses without a..."
The prospects don't look good for me...
Adorei... Vou fazer e botar no meu blog. :}
As melhores:
"Angela wants a poodle;"
"Angela wants a man."
"Angela wants to start a fashion magazine..."
"Angela can't live without the Golf Channel"
A top-top:
"Angela can't help saying 'I'm not sure, putting testicles on the outside didn't seem so good an idea.'"
"Thomaz likes to" retorna ZERO sites! Maldita letra Z. Vamos fingir que eu me chamo Thomas!
"Thomas likes long walks on the beach, poems and the occasional snuggle with a loved one"
(how lovely of me)
"Thomas likes to go fast, but when he has to deliver a load of eggs, he must go slow, or the eggs will be scrambled"
"Thomas likes to fly single-engine airplanes and pays for his habit by finding elegant solutions to difficult problems"
(I'm not quite sure my solutions are 'elegant')
Hahah, joguinho genial:
Monica likes to wear black clothes most of the time they are made of silk. She also likes to wear white gold.
Monica likes to socialize and will use any excuse to celebrate with friends. She cannot tolerate being overly restricted by her love partner.
monica likes to have fun with girls only!
Monica likes to have her fun.
Monica, likes to think. (maldita pontuaçao!)
bjo, muié! Quando desibernar (!) conta as novidades :)
Vcs sao otimos!!! =***********
Tenho sentido que o Google tem acertado consideravelment hum...!
agora soh falta o Pereira.... uhu?! cade vc ;-)
Eis os meus (só foram 4), com breves comentários:
Guilherme likes to play in the street on his skateboard.
Erh, não.
Guilherme likes to learn new things and study.
Este sim sou eu.
Guilherme likes to go shopping during off hours and is trying to improve skill in order to get ahead professionally.
Isso apareceu pro Bigode, algo parecido. Suspeito que seja algo automatizado...
Agora, o melhor de todos:
Guilherme likes to cause mental and physical pain.
... Como descobriram isso?
Isso também fica divertido com pessoas famosas aleatorias. Vejam estes, por exemplo:
"David Bowie likes to steal babies and wear spandex"
"Stalin stands as an example of how a good climax can change the fortune of a film"
"Berlusconi likes to eat his boogers because politicians need protein too"
e obrigada Thomaz por lembrar do David Bowie ;-)
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