sunnudagur, maí 27, 2007

Mari.... the indiepop anorak

Todos sabem que eu sou fa de indie pop (ou twee pop). Nao que o estilo tenha influenciado a minha personalidade, mas com a personalidade que tenho, nao haveria como nao gostar do estilo. Eh claro que tambem por isso eu surpreendo muitas pessoas, muitas vezes com a minha vertente mais rock n'roll (distorcoes e riffs), mas aih jah sao os estereotipos...
Recentemente, tenho preenchido os espacos vazios em mim com la la las e pa pa pas de meus artistas indie pop favoritos: Field Mice, Blueboy, Belle & Sebastian... tenho conhecido algumas pessoas e ido a algumas festas que me colocaram em contato com os mais bacanas e promissores festivais de verao da Gra-Bretanha ;-) Eles custam 1/4 do preco de um ingresso para um festival convencional (como Reading ou V), podem ocorrer em lugares inusitados e pregam um espirito bastante comunitario.
O primeiro eh o IndieTracks : no final de Julho, que eu ainda nao entendi direito se acontece num trem/estacao/trilhos. De todas as bandas eu conheco soh um headline, mas imaginem ficar o dia inteiro no interior da Inglaterra, em meio a trilhos de trem, ouvindo musiquinhas felizes....................... ^^ (ao cubo!)
O outro eu provavelmente vou, se chama Tapestry goes West (que eh organizado pelo mesmo cara que faz a festa mensal na igreja): no final de Agosto e serah no interior do Pais de Gales....... wow, imaginem as paisagens. Uma das minhas bandas favoritas (The Clientele) vai tocar e eu conheco (vagamente, mas conheco) algumas pessoas que vao. Devo dizer que a musica nesse festival parece menos promissora.... mais uma coisa underground americano 70's, mas parece valer a pena tambem pelo espirito comunitario.... no ano passado me contaram que no final do primeiro dia fizeram uma grande fogueira e que foi muito bonito.......... pode soar meio hippie demais, mas eh que a festa (assim como o festival serah) eh povoada por quarentoes e trintoes apaixonados por musica.... um pessoal de all star e barba... eu sou uma coisinha fora do lugar, mas tah valendo.... estou acostumada ;-)
Agora eh torcer para *eu arranjar companhia; *eu conseguir o dinheiro. Devo dizer que a segunda coisa em bem mais facil que a primeira :-(
Anyway, o intuito desse post foi mostrar que ha coisas muito bacanas acontecendo no underunderground por aqui. As raves tambem geralmente sao feitas em locais bem diferentes.... mas eh que soh o indie pop faz com que tenham coracoes pelo ar.

mánudagur, maí 21, 2007

Google Game

latest pic of me

Okay, thats a bit stupid...... hummm you're right VERY STUPID, but its funny to do sooooooooo:
Rules: Go to google and type "[your name] likes to" and read what YOU like ;-)
I must say this is a very 'facebook' thing......

So, some things "I" like to do:

  • "Mariana likes working with farmworkers, because she knows that “if it weren’t for them, we wouldn’t eat.” (hummmmm right sentence, but wrong reason)
  • "Mariana likes to enjoy many of the arts, she writes poetry and paints and draws every time she get some time in her hands". (very true, apart from drawing)
  • "Mariana likes to sing; even though she is a terrible singer". (Hey! I am not!!!!)

  • "Mariana likes to fight girls like that, it's her style.” (Hummmmmm.... where are my pink boxe gloves ;-)
  • "Mariana likes him because he is very handsome and friendly". (Where is this guy!!! I have to be introduced to him ;-))

and the last (but not the least):

  • "Mariana lives with Gosho, with whom she gets along very well. Mariana seems to feel safe and protected with Gosho. Mariana is curious, likes swimming in the ponds, and is in good health. At the moment Mariana is hibernating". (It couldn't be more TRUE)

PS: Thanks Dom for the idea ^^

laugardagur, maí 19, 2007

to consume...

What would you think about this product:

"A rich, luxurious drink made with handpicked Italian wild strawberries, strawberry puree & silky Cornish clotted cream".

miðvikudagur, maí 16, 2007

UK x GRE = Parthenon

'The Marbles can travel' says British Museum

For the fisrt time ever, the director of the British Museum (BM), Mr. Neil MacGregor said publicly (...) that Parthenon Marbles could be sent abroad 'under certain conditions'. Asked whether he and the trustees would consider a request from Athens to borrow the Marbles, he said: There is no reason why any object in the BM - if it is fit to travel - shouldn't spend three months or six months somewhere else. So, in principle, absolutely yes. The difficulty at the moment is that the Greek Government has formally, and recently, refused to acknowledge that the trustees are the owners of the objects. The Greek Government has never asked for a loan of the material from the BM. The issue has always been about the permanent removal of all the Parthenon material in the BM collection, to Athens'.
The idea has been described as "excellent" by [a] liberal democrat MP, who is campaigning in Parliament for the Marbles to be returned to the place where they were created more than 2,000 years ago. (...)
Greece's Culture Minister (...) aid he had read Mr. MacGregor's statement 'with interest' and added that Greek officials and representatives of the BM may discuss the possibility of a loan of the Parthenon Marbles to Greece (...).

from GREECE newsletter - Embassy of Greece: press and communication office
April 2007 - no. 105

fimmtudagur, maí 10, 2007


Just to let people updated about what's happening in my life. Here are some news:

- I am going to Bristol this Saturday
- I've got a temporary job after the master
- I am going to stay in London (at least) until October
- I am going to visit the European Parliament in Strasbourg in July
- I am going to the Labour Party Conference in September
- I've been buying loads of IR and British politics books at LSE (as much as you can carry for £o.50)
- I've found a party which happens once a month in a church, where they have interesting and nice gigs and people (festa estranha com gente esquisita rocks!), so, now I go there every month
- I am going to Cardiff (the Welsh capital) one day after the end of my exams
- I am planning going to Manchester for an International Art Festival for couple days
- I am still doing two internships
- I am still confused about the European/American men
- I've got a pair of rollerblades