UK ataca GER em territorios sulamericanos na I Guerra.... vc sabia?
Em busca de artigos sobre a eleicao de 2005 encontro este titulo:
From "Business as Usual" to a More Global War: The British Decision to Attack Germans in South America during the First World War
From "Business as Usual" to a More Global War: The British Decision to Attack Germans in South America during the First World War
(???como assim?alemaes?Primeira Guerra?South America?ataque???)
1st paragraph:
"At the end of 1915, the British government decided to extend the First World War across the Atlantic by waging an unprecedented campaign against Germans in South America. The new "Statutory List" prohibited British people from conducting commercial and financial transactions with designated "enemies" in neutral countries. In this war, British officials used their nation's commerce as their arsenal. They believed that by controlling the transatlantic trade of British-flagged merchant shipping, London banks, and British-made products, they could permanently force Germans in South America out of business, while helping Britons to take their place".
Now it makes sense...
... and what a clever strategy ;-)