föstudagur, nóvember 28, 2008

days, years, minutes, months

Longo periodo sem postar nada por aqui. Nenhum motivo especifico e todos os motivos especificos.

I am longing for 2009. Soh terei um parecer final sobre 2008 em 2009. Future proof.

Eu vi fotos de Kent (its the county) no pico do inverno, com 5 cm de neve. Like proper Christmas.

Tenho vivido de vegetais organicos, salmao e cha verde. O resto eh soh adorno.

Minha conclusao eh que Last fm nao te dah nenhum incentivo para se cadastrar e muito menos para se inscrever (subscribe). Se vc se cadastra soh pode escutar 3 vezes cada musica! E se vc dah dinheirinho pra eles, nao tem nenhum privilegio tao extra que justifique. Soh se for por incentivo a pagina mesmo, nao por algum beneficio.

PJ Harvey + Guinness + Salmon = Friday evening

[fitter+happier (more productive + at ease)]

"Our present needs are the direct consequence of the fact that we fought earlier, that we fought longest, and that we fought hardest". (citation known, but needed)

Wonderwall with Ryan Adams is beautiful.

sunnudagur, ágúst 17, 2008

Peanuts IV

Without many concrete/clear thoughts, I will let Schulz speak for me:

fimmtudagur, júlí 03, 2008

na epoca dos festivais...

Eh engracado como o 'credit crunch' afetou as pequenas coisas...

Agora, verao, eh epoca de festivais. No ano passado, quase todos sold out e Glastonbury que foi uma coisa a parte (vc tinha que se inscrever no site para talvez conseguir comprar ingresso).

Esse ano, Glastonbury nao esgotou e muitos outros festivais ateh foram cancelados devido a falta de publico (meu querido Tapestry goes West por exemplo).

Fora isso... os precos no supermercado continuam na mesma.... mas nao os festivais!

better have a word with my mate Gordon... tsc tsc tsc

sunnudagur, júní 01, 2008

I do...not?

Weddings are interesting occasions.

Some people have only parties to celebrate some kind of union which already exists, while others opt for the formality in sacred temples.

Some people say that when you have a party is never for you, but for the guests... think about a traditional wedding: months of preparation... details... think of you've seen before and didn't like, innovations or things that must be kept.

I was definately wondering if after so much of stress and preparation there is actually time to enjoy the party without worrying about things or the next thing that has to be done.... "Will the baby crying loud in the church spoil the video?"; "Where are the flowers we were suppose to give to the guests?"; "The cake is not looking like the one was ordered!!". So many things to think about.... happiness is definately not on the list.

But still people get married, being a convention or an opportunity to celebrate.

I met many western people, who don't believe in religion but want to get married (and of course I mean legal terms). I don't understand.

One thing wedding parties worth for sure: you will never be able to have so many people around you, celebrating something relating to you for so many hours apart from a wedding. Everybody comes! The close friends, all relatives, neighbours, people from the office, school, university... everybody! With so many people you will definately feel loved.

I don't know... maybe thats what is all about.

þriðjudagur, maí 27, 2008

I will not live in London anymore

Estou de mudanca de Londres.
Triste pelo meu amado Tamisa que ainda me tira o ar ao cruzar qualquer uma das pontes que ligam o sul ao norte.
Triste porque gosto daqui e da vida que levo. Mas o sentido de tudo e minha razao de aqui estar encontrou o que ser em outro lugar.

... Canterbury girl

Se tiverem recados para o arcebispo, podem deixar que eu passo para ele!

sunnudagur, apríl 13, 2008


fimmtudagur, mars 06, 2008

House of cards...

Today's certainty is tomorrow's fear.

A person that make plans is always (un)safe when starts making plans... if they blow away there is no much left.

The analogy of the House of Cards (or castle of cards for those who prefer) is very true... but sometimes the piglet sees wood instead of straw because is looking forward to feel a bit safe, so misleads himself.

I always said its fundamental to have a 'plan B'. It really is.

And the time is also a precious friend... because when the wind blows the house made of straw and the piglet has to sleep under the stars feeling cold; he starts thinking about the heater he will install in his next house - made of bricks.

Live-learn-live-learn-live-learn : its a two lane highway that goes in only one direction.