(I am) So so modern
Today I went to the best gig of the year (so far): S O S O M O D E R N.
There are still many people who like keybords (meaning synthesizer), but to make noise. There are also people who like to make interesting and impressive music, but without loosing the audience and not afraid of giving it an artistic touch and a splash of youth.
And when you see three people bending on their keybords, each one making a different (complementary) 'noise' makes difficult to understand how Kraftwerk could do more or less something like that and looking like 4 gentlemen with just a few drops of sweat.
Its good to play for fun and it doesn't mean that you don't have to put a lot of effort in it... you can also wear funny costumes and be each one in different colour and shape.
music is what you take from it... it is also what you give to it.
"We are are a four-person collective interested creating a more fun and meaningful future through performance and music. By performance we mean the reciprocal acts of seeing and being seen, and by music we mean the ability to show solidarity around creative aural pleasure. Remember the campfire? Hope you do, cos thats what music means to us. A platform for sharing ideas, stories and gathering. But also a stage for challenges, dialog and what not.Much Love, So So Modern". [from their official website: http://www.sosomodern.com/ ]